This method is one of the most popular systems for weight loss. The advantage of the cauliflower diet is effective weight loss. Plus it significantly improves the work of the whole body.

Cauliflower Good for Weight Loss

Cauliflower DietCauliflower is known for its good taste and dietary properties, so it is actively used for weight loss. The inflorescences have a rich vitamin and mineral composition. Competently grown vegetables without pesticides saturate the body with minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, proteins, and carbohydrates, cleanse the intestines of toxins, and normalize metabolism. Young cauliflowers are suitable for consumption, as are flowers and leaves, which allow for a variety of menus. [1]

Expert opinion
Adelaida Williams
Nutritionist with over 11 years' experience
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The main feature of cauliflower is the low-calorie content of the plant. 100 grams of the product contains no more than 30 calories. It is due to this property – it is the first choice for thinners. Also, note its negative calorie content. That is – your body will spend more energy for processing than it receives in return.

Cauliflower Benefits Weight Loss

Cauliflower’s unique chemical composition gives it medical benefits in addition to making it an invaluable food. The strict nutritional standards of the culture are highly regarded. The primary benefit of cauliflower for weight loss is that it contains little calories: 33 kcal in its raw state and 30 kcal in its boiled state. It has practically no fat (0.3 g) but is rich in protein (2.5 g) and carbohydrates (4.2 g), which the body needs for satiety.[2]

0.9% of Cauliflower Is Fiber. It Performs a Variety of Tasks:

    Cauliflower benefits weight loss

  • It absorbs fats and acids in the small intestine.
  • prevents the absorption of toxic substances; [3]
  • lowers the concentration of bad cholesterol;[4]
  • improves digestion; [5]
  • activates the metabolism;
  • normalizes stools;
  • accelerates lipolysis and breaks down fat deposits;
  • creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of beneficial bacteria in the body.

Dietary fiber, under the influence of gastric juice, swells, thus ensuring rapid satiety. They are digested slowly, so there is no feeling of hunger for a long time and no need for snacks. The body spends more energy than it gets, the body starts to use up fat reserves, and the body weight decreases.
Cauliflower for weight loss is valued for its diuretic and choleretic action. It removes excess fluid from the body, gets rid of edema, and cleanses the liver of toxins. It contains vegetable protein and carbohydrates, which are necessary for the breakdown of fatty tissue.
If you systematically use the florets, you can not only get rid of extra pounds but also improve your body as a whole. Cabbage is a source of vitamins, minerals, organic acids, and antioxidants, without which the basic processes of life are impossible.

Can You Lose Weight Eating Cauliflower?

Cauliflower for diet
Cauliflower is an ideal product for weight loss [6]. In terms of dietary and taste properties and the content of valuable substances for the human body, it surpasses all other types of cabbage. Unlike white cabbage, it is easily digested, does not overload the intestines, and is less irritating to the mucous membrane of the stomach. It is stewed, baked, boiled, pickled, or eaten fresh from the head for this purpose. [7]

Expert opinion
Adelaida Williams
Nutritionist with over 11 years' experience
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It is not advisable to become addicted to eating fried in oil cabbage, seasoned with high-calorie sauces and mayonnaise, and topped with butter. Menus for weight loss are based on eating cauliflower dishes with minimal calories.

How Much Weight Can Be Lost

This method allows you to lose up to 7 kilograms of weight in 1 week. But, for this result, you will have to stick to restrictions. Otherwise, you will lose a maximum of 3 kg.

The total calories per day – up to 1200-1300 Kcal. There are more stringent forms of the diet with a ratio of up to 800 Kcal.

We Recommend These Products for Eating During the Diet:

  • Cereal cereals.
  • A variety of vegetables.
  • Fruits.
  • Berries.

  • Various greens.
  • Lean meats.
  • Fish (minimal fat).
  • Nonfat dairy products.

A total ban on fatty foods and sweets. Also, give up fried foods. These all contain a lot of calories, plus they worsen your metabolism.

Healthy Cauliflower Recipes for Weight Loss

Cauliflower diet menu
Cauliflower diet menu

A Sample Menu for the Week

We have prepared a step-by-step meal plan for the week that will help you lose weight.



Two boiled eggs, unsweetened green tea;
Vegetarian vegetable soup made of florets, baked fish, 200 ml of apple juice;
Cauliflower stew, herbal tea without sugar.


Oatmeal on water with fruit (except banana and grapes);
Mashed cauliflower soup, a portion of turkey stew, a slice of rye bread;
Baked vegetables of choice (broccoli, bell peppers, tomatoes, onions, and carrots)


Portion of steamed buckwheat couch, 200 ml of nonfat kefir;
Vegetable soup, baked cabbage forks with low-fat cheese, sea buckthorn tea;
Fresh salad of cauliflower, tomato, garden greens, dressed with 1 tsp. olive oil, unsweetened green tea.


Mashed soup, slice of rye bread, ½ grapefruit;
300 g of boiled florets, green apple, baked with honey and cottage cheese;
Any fruit except grapes and banana.


batch of baked florets in the oven, loose tea/coffee without sugar;
Vegetable soup puree, a portion of stewed fish, ½ pomegranate;
Salad with fresh vegetables dressed with a little vegetable oil.


A portion of steamed rice, some apricots (raisins, prunes);
Light vegetable soup, baked cauliflower, one orange;
A portion of boiled or baked veal, steamed cauliflower.


Stew of inflorescences, sea buckthorn tea;
Soup puree, portion of steamed low-fat fish with vegetables;
Unsweetened tea.

Expert opinion
Adelaida Williams
Nutritionist with over 11 years' experience
Ask an expert question
So that you are not hungry – eat often, but in small portions. Also, drink plenty of water.

Contraindications and Possible Harm

Despite its high taste and dietary qualities, cauliflower is contraindicated if:

  • allergies to the product;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • frequent intestinal disorders.

The diet has significant disadvantages. The diet is unbalanced and incomplete, which can cause a decrease in performance and concentration, cause digestive disorders. Deficiency in fats and proteins is manifested by weakness, dizziness, and nausea.

Expert opinion
Adelaida Williams
Nutritionist with over 11 years' experience
Ask an expert question
Prolonged consumption of cauliflower increases the acidity of gastric juice, causes bloating and flatulence, and increases fermentation processes in the intestines. We recommend that you include vitamin and mineral complexes in your diet during the cabbage diet to avoid negative health effects. 

Reviews and Results

When strictly following the diet, it is possible to lose 2–7 kilograms of extra weight. Almost all women note a feeling of vivacity and increased activity. With long-term use, positive changes in the skin are observed: the appearance of cellulite is reduced, and the tone of the face is smoothed.

Success Stories

We’ve been sent over 10 amazing low carb success stories and get more all the time. Start with a few, below, or check out the links to all success stories, sorted by category:

I never would have believed that such a simple diet would help
On the verge of diabetes: Brenda started a diet and lost 4 kg
Is it possible to lose weight with just chicken and broccoli? Yes, definitely yes
Low-carb diet on chicken and broccoli: 12 lbs (5 kg) in 12 days

Video: Cauliflower Diet For Weight Loss: Recipe, Rules, and Menu | Keto Food


The “cauliflower diet” refers to a number of simple, inexpensive, and effective ways to get rid of extra pounds. Inflorescences contain a large amount of vegetable protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals that help the body get full faster, remove toxins, and improve digestion.


Is Cauliflower Soup Good For Weight Loss?

Yes, cauliflower soup is used in menus for weight loss

How Much Weight Can I Lose By Eating Cauliflower For A Week

You can lose 3 to 7 kg in a week by eating cauliflower

Which Is Better For Weight Loss Cauliflower Or Broccoli?

Both vegetables are equally good for weight loss.

Roasted Cauliflower For Weight Loss

Fried cauliflower is not suitable for the diet. Only raw and steamed cauliflower are used in the menu

«Important: All information on this site is provided for informational purposes only. Please consult a health care professional before implementing any recommendations. «Neither the editors nor the authors are responsible for any possible harm caused by the materials.»