The vitamin K group consists of two types: vitamins K1 and K2.

The source of vitamin K1 is plant food. It is very abundant in the greens that we eat. These are mainly lettuce and different types of cabbage. It is through eating greens that we get the lion’s share of menaquinone.
On the contrary, vitamin K2 is found in animal products. Pork, for example, is rich in it. There is also a lot of K2 in cheese. Plus, there is a large amount of vitamin K2 in canned foods. Especially canned beans, sauerkraut, pickled vegetables, and cucumbers are noted.

What Does Vitamin K Do for the Body

The importance of vitamin KThe main function of this vitamin is blood clotting. It helps to avoid major blood loss from various open wounds. People who have a clotting disorder need to take this vitamin carefully. The same applies to those who take blood thinners. [1]

Also, an excess of this vitamin can affect the cardiovascular system. The fact is that it reduces the amount of calcium in the arteries. This can lead to increased heart health problems. [2]

Expert opinion
Adelaida Williams
Nutritionist with over 11 years' experience
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But note that vitamin K is good for your bones. Consistently consuming it strengthens bone tissue. Thanks to this, the risk of fractures is reduced. But its deficiency will lead to problems with bleeding.

What Foods Have Vitamin K?

Below, we list a list of foods that are rich in menaquinone. You can use them in your favorite dishes.

Kale Cabbage

Kale cabbage vitamins
Kale cabbage vitamins

One serving contains 545 mcg of phytodione.

This variety of cabbage has “lacy” leaves with a rich, dark green color. Many nutritionists consider kale an ideal product for weight loss. The fact is that it is quite nutritious but low in calories. Also, it has a small number of harmful fats and carbohydrates. At the same time, Kale has a rich vitamin set and an abundance of useful substances and minerals. [3]

Cooked kale will help you lose extra weight. And thanks to its low calories, you can eat it a lot, satisfying your hunger. If you want to increase the content of vitamin K, eat it raw.

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts vitamins
Brussels sprouts contain 290 mcg of phylloquinone

One serving contains 290 mcg of phylloquinone.

This type of cabbage is very nutritious. Among other things, it contains many antioxidants and other beneficial substances. She, as a rule, is not very fond of children. But adults, once they try it, quickly appreciate its taste.

The easiest way to use it is to chop it and add it to a salad. It can also be baked and served as a side dish.

How Much Vitamin K Is in Broccoli?

Broccoli vitamins
Broccoli contain 165 mcg of phylloquinone

Broccoli contains – 165 mcg of vitamin K.
This legendary variety of cabbage is much loved by nutritionists. First of all, it has very few calories. Secondly, broccoli is rich in nutrients. This type of cabbage often becomes the basis for healthy diets. Thanks to these properties, the weight goes away quickly and without harming your health. Plus, broccoli improves heart function and helps fight diabetes. Kale also reduces the risk of cancer. [4], [5], [6]


Asparagus vitamins
Asparagus contain 85 mcg of phylloquinone

Asparagus contains 85 mcg of vitamin K.

The stems of this plant are often used in cooking on the fire and in barbecues. In addition to the fact that they have a pleasant taste, they have many useful substances. The plant contains folic acid and a lot of fiber. Asparagus is also high in phylloquinone. At the same time, the product’s protein content is optimal. It is great for vegetarians, eco-food lovers, and vegans. [7]

White Cabbage

White vitamins
White cabbage contain 120 mcg of phylloquinone

One serving contains 120 mcg of naphthoquinone.
This type of cabbage is not appreciated by people for some reason. Although, it boasts an excellent composition, This variety is very low in calories, and the carbohydrate and fat content are minimal. Plus, for diabetics, it’s the perfect product. On the glycemic index, this cabbage is one of the leaders among vegetables.[8]

Cabbage soup is the basis of many diets for weight loss. You can eat a lot of cabbage in order to saturate your body. Another bonus is that one serving of cabbage has one daily dose of vitamin K.

How Much Vitamin K Do Green Beans Contain?

Green beans vitamins
Green Beans contain 60 mcg of Vitamin K

Green snap beans contain – 60 mcg of vitamin K.

Young green beans are rich in nutrients and cheap at the same time. You can buy them in any supermarket. They are sold fresh, canned, or frozen.

This type of bean is eaten in many countries for the holidays. However, due to their properties, they can be consumed at any time.

Collard Greens

Collard green vitamins
Collard green contain 610 mcg of Vitamin K

One serving contains 610 mcg of vitamin K.

Green cabbage leaves are one of the main sources of vitamin K. It is available and not expensive. Thus, it is an ideal vegetable to use in cooking. You can eat it both raw and cooked.[9]

Green cabbage leaves are high in lutein and beta-carotene. Also, note the presence of zeaxanthin carotenoids. The plant has excellent antioxidant properties.


Kiwi vitamins
Kiwi contain 73 mcg of Vitamin K

One serving of kiwi has 73 mcg of phylloquinone

We wrote above that the most vitamin K is in leafy vegetables. Now let’s discuss fruits as well. For example, kiwi is one of the fruits with high vitamin K content. [7]

Not only does kiwi have a pleasant taste, but it is also a source of vitamins and minerals. It is very high in vitamin C, folic acid, and other substances. Also, note that this fruit is excellent against inflammation.


Spinach vitamins
Spinach contain 1.030 mcg of Vitamin K

One serving of spinach contains 1,030 mcg of vitamin K.

It is the leader in vitamin K levels. One serving of spinach has many times the daily allowance of vitamin K. It is simply the most potent source of this vitamin.

The culinary uses of this plant are very extensive. It will go with the most popular dishes. At the same time, it is used as a dietary supplement and as a simple ingredient.

Turnip Greens

Turnip Greens vitamins
Turnip Greens contain 535 mcg of Vitamin K

One serving contains 535 mcg of vitamin K.

When raw, the leaves of this plant are slightly bitter. But if you cook them, they get a tangy taste. Start using this vegetable in your culinary menu. After all, it contains twice the amount of phytonadione. In addition, it has a lot of other useful substances. For example, manganese, vitamin C, magnesium, and more.

How Much Vitamin K Does a Person Need?

The norms for vitamin K consumption are determined by a number of factors.The main criteria are gender and age. For an adult male, take 120 mcg per day. For an adult woman, 90 mcg.

Age Recommended rate
Babies 0-6 months 2 mcg
Children 6-12 months 2.5 mcg
Children 1-3 years old 30 mcg
Children 4-8 years old 55 mcg
Children 9-13 years old 60 mcg
Boys and girls 14-18 years old 75 mcg
Women 19 and older 90 mcg
Pregnant or nursing women 90 mcg
Men 19 years old and older 120 mcg

* University of Rochester, Medical center

Symptoms of Vitamin K Deficiency

Low phytonadione levels can be suspected if the following symptoms are present: [10],[11],[12]

    Symptoms of vitamin K deficiency

  • Nosebleeds;
  • Bleeding gums;
  • protracted healing of wounds;
  • Frequent bruising;
  • In women, prolonged and heavy menstruation;
  • low blood pressure due to loss of blood;
  • dizziness;
  • diarrhea.

One of the most frequent requests on the Internet is “vitamin K deficiency disease.” Let’s understand the dangers of its deficiency.[13]

Phytonadione Deficiency Leads To:

  • osteoporosis and an increased risk of fractures;
  • poor blood clotting, which leads to frequent and severe bleeding;
  • a decrease in endogenous anticoagulants (protein C and S), as well as the opposite problem of poor blood clotting—thrombosis. 

How To Store Vegetables To Preserve the Vitamin?

Heat does not destroy phylloquinone, but storing food in light can reduce its effectiveness. 


Note!Store foods containing phylloquinone in light-resistant containers.

Conclusion About Vitamin K

All of the above plants are leaders in phylloquinone content. As you can see – we have selected for you both vegetables and fruits. There are many varieties of cabbage, kiwi, beans, and asparagus on the list.[14]

Since menaquinone is one of the key elements of body health – you need to eat it all the time. As we wrote:

  • it improves heart function
  • strengthens bones
  • and normalizes metabolism

For optimal effect, combine it with healthy fats.


What other sources of vitamin K are there?

Menaquinone (K2) is found in animal products: meat, liver, cheese, eggs.

Does breast milk have Vitamin K?

Vitamin K does not pass through the placenta, and breast milk contains it in small amounts. Therefore, its deficiency is not uncommon in newborns.

What other vegetables contain high amounts of vitamins?

Soybeans, leafy, curly kale, parsley, seaweed, spinach, chard, turnips, green tea. They contain >500 mcg/100 g serving)

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