In this article, we will look at all the benefits of Cauliflower. We will try to analyze in detail the composition, usefulness, and how it affects the human body [1]. We will also talk about its medical use, taking into account medical recommendations and contraindications.

The Benefits of Cauliflower

cauliflower vitaminsCauliflower [2] belongs to the same family as other cabbage plants, such as Kohlrabi, Kale, and others. At the same time, it is even somewhat superior in its characteristics, as it contains many natural antioxidants [3], phenolic compounds [4], soluble sugars, vitamins, and minerals. It also contains many substances that have anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties, which help improve mental performance and also prevents weight gain.

Nutritional Benefits of Cauliflower

Nutritional content of cauliflower – 100 grams of the plant contains:

Calories Water Carbohydrates Protein Fats Ashes
30 kcal 92g. 5g. 2g. 0,2g. 0,8g.


Amounts Per Selected Serving
Vitamin A 3 mcg
Vitamin C, ascorbic acid 70 mg
Vitamin E, alpha-tocopherol 0.2 mg
Vitamin H, biotin 1.5 mcg
Vitamin K, phylloquinone 16 mcg
Vitamin RR 1mg
Potassium 210mg
Calcium 26mg
Magnesium 17mg
Sodium 10mg
Phosphorus 51mg
Iron, Fe 1.4mg
Iodine, I 3 mcg
Zinc, Zn 0.28 mg

Note that this rich set from substances is only in 100 grams of vegetables. And taking into account its low-calorie content — you can use it in large quantities, using it in the preparation of various dishes.

Benefits of Eating Cauliflower

  • Vitamin C is known to be responsible for the proper functioning of the immune system [5], helping the body process and absorb iron. This vitamin also helps preserve blood vessels and capillaries;
  • Vitamin B5: This vitamin affects a wide list of parameters that affect the entire body [6]. This element is responsible for the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and cholesterol. In addition, it influences the production of some hormones and supports the healthy functioning of the adrenal glands;
  • Vitamin K is an element that regulates blood clotting; [7]
  • Silicon is an important mineral involved in the synthesis of collagen, which helps maintain the good condition of nails and hair;

Benefits of Raw Cauliflower

Benefits of raw cauliflowerThe product without the use of heat treatment is characterized by the maximum concentration of valuable substances. They help the heart and endocrine system function properly. Before using the fruit, it can be simply steeped. [8]

It should be remembered that cauliflower does not keep for a long time. It should be used within three months. Wrap the vegetable in cling film and put it in the refrigerator.

Expert opinion
Adelaida Williams
Nutritionist with over 11 years' experience
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Attention! Raw cauliflower brings both benefits and harm to the body. It is undesirable to introduce it to the diet at the onset of an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.

Cauliflower Leaves Benefits

Cauliflower leaves benefits
The crop is widespread all over the world. Cauliflower leaves are useful because they contain valuable nutrients.The plates that envelop the head are suitable for food. They are also actively used in cosmetology [9]. The inflorescences can be baked with the leaves, added to salads, or pickled.

Attention! The cabbage to be used in food should not have pronounced mechanical damage.

The Benefits of Eating Cauliflower for Children

The vegetable has a number of valuable properties. Cauliflower can be eaten at any time, not just during pregnancy. The inflorescences are included in children’s menus. Cauliflower for the infant is also beneficial. Vegetable puree is great as the first complementary food. [10],[11]

Expert opinion
Eva Fernandez
Pediatrician, pediatric gastroenterologist - Doctor's experience: 10 years
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The use of the product helps to eliminate constipation, gas, and diarrhea. It includes iodine, which normalizes the endocrine system.

Cauliflower During Pregnancy

The florets contain folic acid, which is necessary for the adequate development of the nervous system of the embryo and fetus. Since cauliflower is low in calories, pregnant women can maintain an adequate weight. The product promotes the elimination of excess fluid from the body. These effects help to prevent the development of gestosis. [12]

Cauliflower during pregnancy
Cauliflower during pregnancy

Cauliflower is rich in vitamin K. It participates in the adequate development of the fetal circulatory system. Phytoncides that it contains strengthen the immune system and protect against infections.

Сauliflower Benefits for Skin and Hair

Every woman knows that almost any fruit or vegetable can be used for home cosmetology.

    vegetable face mask

  1. Consumption of inflorescences preserves the beauty of skin, hair, and nails by accelerating the formation of collagen.
  2. The juice of the vegetable promotes facial skin rejuvenation and cell regeneration, which will be of service to any woman.
  3. Hair strengthens, grows stronger, and becomes healthier when exposed to cauliflower juice.
  4. She makes effective face masks. Such remedies give the skin a lot of trace elements and vitamins, allowing it to rejuvenate.

Health Properties of Cauliflower

Here are a few more facts about the benefits of cauliflower for the body. [13],[14],[15],[16],[17]

Cauliflower protects against cancer

According to numerous studies, we know that the development of cancer depends largely on the food that a person eats. Scientists have also long noticed that cruciferous plants contain substances that significantly reduce the likelihood of cancer. In particular, this applies to cancer of such vital organs like the liver, stomach, and lungs. For women, the risk of breast cancer is also minimized. And one of the main problems, colon cancer, is similarly becoming less likely. In addition to this, it is this cabbage that most inhibits the growth of tumor cells, especially in the initial stage of the disease. As clinical trials have shown – when artificially infecting a test subject, it was substances from the entire cruciferous family that most effectively inhibited the development of cancer. The anticarcinogenic properties of this type of plant have in their composition special chemical compounds, namely – glucosinolates containing sulfur. In fact, it is these compounds that emit the main odor during cooking. But the most important effect of these compounds is manifested during digestion – they are converted into biologically active substances that actively fight the reproduction of cancer cells.

Anti-inflammatory effect

If we are going to talk about inflammatory processes, we must say that this is the most common effect that accompanies any chronic disease. Cauliflower contains many different antioxidants as well as anti-inflammatory compounds. Mostly worth mentioning are rutin and a rich vitamin set. We can also mention beta-carotene (aka provitamin A), which affects the organs of vision, caffeic acid, and more. All these together create a rather significant barrier to the spread of any inflammatory process. And note that just 100 grams of the vegetable contain almost 80% of the daily allowance of vitamin C, known as one of the most effective fighters against inflammation.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system and impaired brain function

Almost all medical professionals know that many inflammatory processes significantly affect the development of cardiovascular disease. In addition, they contribute to the development of diabetes, plus they significantly increase the risk of stroke. They also affect the development of Parkinson’s disease. As for the plant we are discussing and its influence on various kinds of senile illnesses (such as the diseases described above, dementia and Alzheimer’s), the rich content of vitamins C and K, omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids, and other substances can avoid the formation of plaque on the walls of blood vessels, lower cholesterol, as well as normalize blood pressure.

The benefits of cauliflower for digestion

Cauliflower contains a lot of fiber – just 100 grams of cooked vegetables contains about 10-12% of the daily norm of human consumption. Fiber has a beneficial effect on the entire digestive process – it facilitates the passage of digested food through the intestines, softening the stool, resulting in a significantly reduced risk of constipation.

Harm – Effects on the thyroid

People who suffer from thyroid problems are not recommended to eat Cauliflower in large quantities in raw form. Yes, the negative effect will be achieved only if you eat too much of it, but still, experts do not recommend people with thyroid problems and iodine deficiency in the body to abuse cabbage. If possible, try to eat it no more than once a day and in cooked form.

Is Cauliflower Good for Weight Loss

The small number of calories contained in the plant – makes it an ideal product for people who suffer from overweight and for those who are actively engaged in the process of losing weight. In addition to its low-calorie content [18] – this vegetable removes excess fluid from the body, as well as helping to eliminate toxins.

Expert opinion
Adelaida Williams
Nutritionist with over 11 years' experience
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Inflorescences are low in calories. Their use helps to reduce hunger by prolonging the feeling of satiety.

The Harm of Cauliflower

Despite its great value and benefits to the body, excellent medicinal properties, cauliflower is harmful in large quantities and is therefore prohibited for people with the following diseases:

    Harm of cauliflower

  • People with a high value of uric acid and gout disease;
  • At exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers;
  • Thyroid disease;
  • Kidney disease;
  • Heart failure;
  • When prone to allergic diseases;
  • Heart failure.

The Method of Storage Without Losing Useful Substances of Cauliflower

This vegetable is very sensitive to its storage conditions. Ideally, if you store the vegetable at a temperature of about 0 degrees Celsius and at a humidity of about 95%. If the temperature is significantly lower – the plant will begin to freeze, but if higher – will begin to sprout. Ideally, it should be kept in a dry, light-free, and well-ventilated place. As for storage in refrigerators, to begin with, the cauliflower should be separated into inflorescences, removing excess leaves. Next, wrap everything in a food film.[19],[20]

cauliflower storage

NoteIf these conditions are followed, cauliflower can be stored fresh for about 10 days. When stored at temperatures between 0.5 and 0 degrees Celsius, the fruits of this plant can be preserved for up to 70 days.

Basic Conditions for Proper Storage:

  • Humidity at 90-95%;
  • The air temperature is 0 to +8 degrees Celsius;
  • When storing fresh, both too low and too high temperatures should be avoided.


Cooking cauliflowerCauliflower is one of the most delicious vegetables. At the same time, its low-calorie content greatly expands the list of dishes in which it can be used. It is an ideal product for diet dishes. It also goes well with meat or other vegetables. The best way to prepare it is vegetable saute or fried in hot oil – with this approach, you can preserve all the useful and nutritious properties of the vegetable.


In this article, we described in detail all the positive and negative effects that cauliflower can have on the body. In general, we can say that this plant is one of the most effective helpers in the fight against cancer, which is very relevant in the modern world. Its anti-inflammatory properties and the way it affects the normalization of the digestive system are also very much in demand in medicine.


Is cauliflower allowed for animals?

Cauliflower, like almost any other variety, is very poorly digested in the dog’s body. To avoid gastrointestinal problems – it is better to cook the plant lightly. The best option would be to use a steam treatment.

Who shouldn't eat it?

Cauliflower should not be eaten by people with problems of the stomach and intestines, such as ulcers, hyperacidity, acute enterocolitis

Why is cauliflower called that?

Cauliflower can be not only white, but also green, orange, yellow or purple. But it is difficult to find such on the shelves of stores due to the lack of demand for unusual cabbage. Although in many ways it is healthier and tastier than white cabbage.

Can I freeze cabbage?

Yes, cabbage can be frozen as a whole floret or as separate pieces, the main thing is to put it in a bag or container.

In what form can I eat cauliflower?

Cabbage is suitable for a variety of dishes: steamed, fried, baked, boiled, or even raw, as in salads!

«Important: All information on this site is provided for informational purposes only. Please consult a health care professional before implementing any recommendations. «Neither the editors nor the authors are responsible for any possible harm caused by the materials.»